Cut to the outside of the council a bit laterr that day ethan had followed joseph, samantha,daniel,
and tyler back to the council rupert giles came out to meet them
Giles: listen travers is here joseph he has been looking for you
Joseph: ok then ethan leave and come back later we don't what you getting caught
Ethan: very well then
Ethan turns and walks away then the others all walk into the council quentin stops them
Quentin: hello all i see you have been on a bit of a family picnic
Joseph: yes i am trying to get closer to my family they are all i have left of jessica
Quentin: yes yes i understand however i am only back for a brief time before i can finish my expedition
as you know i like having two people in charge and after Virgil's accident you have far to much stress on yourself so i brought
someone to be under you his name is mark jacobs he is your second is that clear
Joseph: ok where is he
Mark walks into the room
Mark: right here it is an honor to meet you joseph i have heard alot about you
Joseph looked to mark and nodded