Bruce: alright julie i want you to set up around the outside of the council and prepare to move in in 3
hours according to andrew and michelle the council has a meeting and only joseph daniel and samantha will be there tyler
and jeffery will be preparing the supper
cut to some bushes we see ms evans nod and then hang up her cellphone as the camera moves away we see
she has michael,timothy, cassie and kim all with her and she smirks some and nods her head as they all spread out
Cut back to joseph, samantha and tyler
Joseph: is that so
Tyler: yes sir i'm afraid so
Joseph: right then well i am glad to see that you both realized i wasn't the bad guy here i know we can
pull this off
Cut to a bedroom and we see daniel sitting on the bed and jeffery comes out of the bathroom wrapped
in a towel and smirks some as he sits by daniel and lightly pushes him back
Cut back to the council later that day daniel comes walking in with a smile on his face and he finds
his dad and his sister sitting in the study and researching
Daniel: hey guys
Joseph: hi daniel did you have fun
Daniel: (smirks) you could say that
Samantha: ok too much info (she chuckled lightly) just kidding anyhow with jeffery be here to help tyler with
supper tonight
Daniel: yeah he will be here after he showers
Joseph: good good
Cut to a secluded forest we see xavier, rachel, and brittany sitting in a circle and they were chanting
after they finished chanting standing before them was some young blond woman