Watchers' Council Chronicles
[Act three] Open to Daniels bedroom Mitchell Jones walks in and Daniel is at his dresser looking for some clothes to put
on he looks up and sees Mitchells reflection and he angrily looks at him Daniel: Jesus Christ havent you ever heard of knocking god I am a bit under clothed for company what do you
want Mitchell: (smirks some) Daniel: shut up ok I remember what you want Mitchell: I know what you are planning and I want in on it too your dad deserves it for all the things hes
done Daniel: what if you go and tell my dad all about it Mitchell: Daniel: ok I will let you in on the condition that if I find out you told I will make you regret it ok? Mitchell: Daniel: it does, does it? Mitchell: Daniel: ok good now could you please let me get dressed Mitchell: go ahead Im not stopping you Daniel: I want you out of my room so I can get dressed Mitchell: fine I will leave Mitchell walked out the door and Daniel sighed some mumbling the word men before the screen fades black then
we cut to Mitchell out in the hall he is on the phone to an unknown person Mitchell: With that said Mitchell hangs up the phone and looks back to Daniels door and smirks evilly Mitchell: Then he walks off screen Open to Josephs office we see Mr. Clark and Joseph speaking to each other Mr. Clark: listen Joseph I feel there is something you should know there are certain parties here that do
not trust you and I fear that they may try to attack you in the near future and I am afraid they are close to you personally Joseph: like who Mr. Clark: I am afraid I am not at liberty to say but be warned the hold powerful magicks at their disposal
Joseph: thank you very much for the heads up Virgil Mr. Clark: no problem just be careful ok Joseph: I will With that Mr. Clark shook Josephs hand and walked out of the library Joseph looked slightly unnerved at this
news a knock on the door caused Joseph to jump Joseph: come in Daniel walks in Daniel: dad do you have a minute Joseph: sure son come on in whats on your mind Daniel: well I have a slight problem do you think that we could have a father son day tomorrow there are a
couple places I want to go but I dont want to go there alone and Jeffery is busy Joseph: sure Daniel no problem Daniel: thanks dad I love you Joseph: I love you too Joseph smiled some at his son and Daniel walked over and hugged him then he walked out but the smile on his
face looked a bit more sinister